How to Copy Releases from a Fork or Create One and Upload Assets with an Existing Action?
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How to Copy Releases from a Fork or Create One and Upload Assets with an Existing Action?

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Are you tired of manually creating releases and uploading assets for your forked repository? Do you want to simplify the process and make it more efficient? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to copy releases from a fork and create a new one, as well as upload assets using an existing action. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

Why Copy Releases from a Fork?

When you fork a repository, you create a new copy of the original project. But what about the releases and assets associated with the original repository? You can manually recreate them, but that’s a tedious task, especially if you have multiple releases and assets. By copying releases from a fork, you can save time and effort, and ensure consistency between the original and forked repositories.

Benefits of Copying Releases from a Fork

  • Saves time and effort: No need to manually recreate releases and upload assets.
  • Ensures consistency: Consistency between the original and forked repositories is maintained.
  • Reduces errors: Less chance of human error when recreating releases and uploading assets.

How to Copy Releases from a Fork

Copying releases from a fork involves using the GitHub API and a few clever tricks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Get the Release ID

To copy a release, you need the release ID of the original repository. You can find this by going to the original repository, clicking on the “Releases” tab, and selecting the release you want to copy. In the URL, you’ll see the release ID, which looks something like this:

Extract the release ID from the URL, which is the part after “tag/”. In this case, the release ID is “v1.0.0”.

Step 2: Use the GitHub API

Next, you need to use the GitHub API to fetch the release details. You can do this using the following API endpoint:{release-id}

Replace “{release-id}” with the release ID you extracted in Step 1. Send a GET request to this endpoint, and you’ll receive the release details in JSON format.

Step 3: Create a New Release in Your Fork

Now that you have the release details, you can create a new release in your forked repository using the GitHub API. Use the following API endpoint:

Send a POST request to this endpoint with the release details you fetched in Step 2. Make sure to replace “your-username” and “your-forked-repo” with your actual GitHub username and forked repository name.

Step 4: Upload Assets to the New Release

Once you’ve created the new release, you can upload assets to it using the GitHub API. Use the following API endpoint:{release-id}/assets

Replace “{release-id}” with the ID of the new release you created in Step 3. Send a POST request to this endpoint with the asset file you want to upload.

How to Create a New Release and Upload Assets with an Existing Action

What if you want to create a new release and upload assets using an existing action? This can be achieved using GitHub Actions and a few clever workflows.

Step 1: Create a New Release

First, you need to create a new release in your forked repository. You can do this using the GitHub API or by creating a new release manually.

Step 2: Create a GitHub Actions Workflow

Next, create a new GitHub Actions workflow YAML file in your forked repository. This file will define the steps required to upload assets to the new release.

name: Upload Assets to Release

    types: [published]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Upload assets
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: my-asset
          path: path/to/asset/file

This workflow will trigger whenever a new release is published, and it will upload the specified asset file to the release.

Step 3: Configure the Workflow to Use an Existing Action

To use an existing action, you need to configure the workflow to use that action. You can do this by specifying the action in the workflow YAML file:

name: Upload Assets to Release

    types: [published]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Upload assets
        uses: existing-action/upload-assets@v1
          release-id: ${{ }}
          asset-path: path/to/asset/file

In this example, the workflow uses an existing action called “upload-assets” from the “existing-action” repository. The action takes two inputs: “release-id” and “asset-path”. The “release-id” input is set to the ID of the published release, and the “asset-path” input is set to the path of the asset file to be uploaded.


Copying releases from a fork and creating a new one, as well as uploading assets using an existing action, is a powerful way to simplify your release management process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can save time and effort, and ensure consistency between the original and forked repositories. Happy releasing!

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the GitHub API and cleverly using GitHub Actions to automate your workflows. With these tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless!

Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure to replace the placeholder values in the API endpoints and workflow YAML files with your actual GitHub username and repository names.
  • Use the GitHub API to fetch the release details and create a new release in your forked repository.
  • Configure your workflow to use an existing action to upload assets to the new release.
  • Test your workflow thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.
API Endpoint Description{release-id} Fetches the release details for the specified release ID. Creates a new release in your forked repository.{release-id}/assets Uploads an asset to the specified release ID.

By following the instructions in this article, you’ll be well on your way to copying releases from a fork and creating a new one, as well as uploading assets using an existing action. Happy releasing, and don’t forget to share your experiences with us!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about copying releases from a fork or creating one and uploading assets with an existing action? We’ve got you covered!

How can I copy a release from a forked repository?

Easy peasy! To copy a release from a forked repository, navigate to the release page, click on the three dots at the top right corner of the release card, and select “Edit release.” Then, click on the three dots again and select “Copy release.” Finally, select the repository where you want to copy the release, and voilĂ !

Can I create a new release from an existing action?

Absolutely! To create a new release from an existing action, navigate to the Actions tab, click on the three dots next to the action, and select “Create release.” Then, follow the prompts to create a new release, and your action will be automatically uploaded as an asset. Piece of cake!

What if I want to upload assets to an existing release?

No problem! To upload assets to an existing release, navigate to the release page, click on the “Assets” tab, and then click on the “Upload asset” button. You can then select the files you want to upload, and they’ll be added to the release. Simple!

Can I edit the release notes when copying a release from a forked repository?

You bet! When copying a release from a forked repository, you’ll have the option to edit the release notes before creating the new release. Just click on the “Edit release notes” button, make your changes, and save them before creating the new release. Easy!

Will copying a release from a forked repository also copy the release’s GitHub Action?

Unfortunately not. When you copy a release from a forked repository, the GitHub Action associated with the original release will not be copied over. You’ll need to recreate the action or upload a new asset to the new release. Don’t worry, it’s a quick process!

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