Are Value Classes allowed to exhibit change? Unraveling the Mystery
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Are Value Classes allowed to exhibit change? Unraveling the Mystery

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In the realm of object-oriented programming, value classes have garnered significant attention in recent years. As a developer, you might have wondered, “Are value classes allowed to exhibit change?” In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of value classes and explore their relationship with change.

What are Value Classes?

Before we dive into the main question, let’s first understand what value classes are. Value classes are a type of class that represents an immutable set of values. They are designed to be thread-safe, and their instances are guaranteed to be immutable.

public class Color(val red: Int, val green: Int, val blue: Int) {
    // No setters, only getters
    fun getRed(): Int = red
    fun getGreen(): Int = green
    fun getBlue(): Int = blue

In the example above, the `Color` class is a value class because it has no setters and only getters. This ensures that once an instance of `Color` is created, its properties cannot be changed.

Immutability and Change

Now that we understand what value classes are, let’s explore the concept of immutability and change. Immutability means that an object’s state cannot be changed once it’s created. In the context of value classes, this means that their properties cannot be modified after instantiation.

Change, on the other hand, implies that an object’s state can be altered after its creation. This seems to contradict the very essence of value classes, doesn’t it?

The Paradox of Value Classes and Change

So, are value classes allowed to exhibit change? The answer is a resounding “no”. Value classes are designed to be immutable, which means they cannot change. But, you might ask, “What about the concept of ‘defensive copying’?”

Defensive copying is a technique used to create a new instance of a value class with modified properties, while keeping the original instance intact. This might seem like a way to introduce change into value classes, but it’s not.

public class Color(val red: Int, val green: Int, val blue: Int) {
    fun copy(red: Int =, green: Int =, blue: Int = Color {
        return Color(red, green, blue)

In the example above, the `copy` function creates a new instance of `Color` with modified properties, but it doesn’t change the original instance. This is not an example of change; it’s an example of creating a new, distinct instance.

When to Use Value Classes

Now that we’ve established that value classes cannot exhibit change, when should you use them? Value classes are ideal in situations where:

  • Immutability is crucial**: When you need to ensure that an object’s state cannot be changed, value classes are the way to go.
  • Thread-safety is essential**: Value classes provide inherent thread-safety, making them perfect for multi-threaded environments.
  • Data integrity is paramount**: When you need to guarantee the integrity of data, value classes ensure that the data remains untouched.

Real-World Examples of Value Classes

Value classes are used in various real-world scenarios, including:

  1. Money and Currency**: Representing monetary values as value classes ensures that they cannot be modified accidentally.
  2. Geometric Coordinates**: Value classes can be used to represent geometric coordinates, ensuring that they remain immutable.
  3. Color and Palette Management**: As seen in our earlier example, value classes can be used to manage colors and palettes in a thread-safe and immutable manner.


In conclusion, value classes are not allowed to exhibit change. Their immutability is what makes them so powerful and reliable. By using value classes, you can ensure that your code is more predictable, thread-safe, and maintainable.

Value Classes Immutability Change
Yes Yes No

Remember, when it comes to value classes, immutability is not a limitation – it’s a feature. By embracing this concept, you can write more robust and efficient code.

Final Thoughts

In the world of object-oriented programming, value classes play a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and thread-safety. By understanding the concept of value classes and their relationship with change, you can write more effective and maintainable code.

So, the next time you’re faced with the question, “Are value classes allowed to exhibit change?”, you’ll know the answer: a resounding “no”. Value classes are designed to be immutable, and that’s what makes them so powerful.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Unlock the secrets of value classes and their ability to exhibit change!

Are value classes allowed to exhibit change in their core characteristics?

No, value classes are not allowed to exhibit change in their core characteristics. By definition, value classes are immutable and cannot be modified once they are created. This ensures that the values they represent remain consistent and reliable throughout the program.

Can I update the properties of a value class instance after it’s created?

No, you cannot update the properties of a value class instance after it’s created. Value classes are designed to be immutable, which means that their properties are set when the instance is created and cannot be changed later. Any attempts to update the properties will result in a new instance being created with the updated values.

What happens if I try to modify a value class instance?

If you try to modify a value class instance, the compiler will throw an error. Value classes are designed to be immutable, and any attempts to modify them will result in a compilation error. This ensures that the values they represent remain consistent and reliable throughout the program.

Can I use value classes to model real-world objects that change over time?

No, value classes are not suitable for modeling real-world objects that change over time. Value classes are designed to represent immutable values, whereas real-world objects that change over time require mutable state. You would be better off using classes or other data structures that allow for mutable state.

What are the benefits of using value classes that don’t exhibit change?

The benefits of using value classes that don’t exhibit change include improved code reliability, easier debugging, and better performance. Since value classes are immutable, they can be safely shared and reused without worrying about unintended side effects. This leads to more predictable and efficient code.

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