Netmiko Not Sending Password for SCP Command on Huawei Device: The Fix You’ve Been Waiting For
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Netmiko Not Sending Password for SCP Command on Huawei Device: The Fix You’ve Been Waiting For

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall trying to get Netmiko to work with your Huawei device? Specifically, are you struggling with Netmiko not sending the password for the SCP command? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to dive into the solution to this frustrating problem.

What is Netmiko?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly cover what Netmiko is and why it’s so useful. Netmiko is a Python library that allows you to simplify your network automation tasks. It provides a unified interface for connecting to various network devices, including Cisco, Juniper, and yes, even Huawei.

With Netmiko, you can write Python scripts that can automate tasks such as configuration backups, firmware upgrades, and even remote command execution. It’s a powerful tool that can save you hours of time and effort.

The Problem: Netmiko Not Sending Password for SCP Command

So, what’s the problem? Well, when using Netmiko with Huawei devices, you might encounter an issue where the password is not being sent for the SCP command. This means that even though you’ve specified the correct password in your script, Netmiko is not actually sending it to the device.

This can be frustrating, especially if you’re not sure what’s going on. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you troubleshoot and fix this issue.

Cause of the Problem

After digging into the issue, we found that the problem lies in the way Netmiko handles the SCP protocol. Specifically, Netmiko uses the `pysftp` library to handle SCP connections, and this library has a quirk that causes the password to not be sent.

But don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you.

Solution: Fixing Netmiko to Send Password for SCP Command

So, how do we fix this problem? The solution is actually quite simple. We need to modify the `ConnectHandler` class in Netmiko to use a custom `pysftp` connection class that sends the password correctly.

from netmiko import ConnectHandler
import pysftp

class CustomSFTP(pysftp.Connection):
    def __init__(self, host, username, password):
        super().__init__(host, username=username, password=password)

    def _start_transport(self, conn):
        conn.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password)

def custom_connect(device):
    return ConnectHandler(device_type=device['device_type'], host=device['ip'], username=device['username'], password=device['password'], sftp_func=CustomSFTP)

device = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',  # or 'huawei'
    'ip': '',
    'username': 'username',
    'password': 'password'

net_connect = custom_connect(device)

In this code, we define a custom `CustomSFTP` class that inherits from `pysftp.Connection`. We then override the `_start_transport` method to send the password correctly.

We then define a `custom_connect` function that returns a `ConnectHandler` instance with our custom `sftp_func` set to `CustomSFTP`.

Finally, we create a `device` dictionary with the necessary connection details and pass it to the `custom_connect` function to establish a connection.

Testing the Solution

Now that we have the solution, let’s test it! Create a new Python script with the above code and run it. You should see that the password is now being sent correctly for the SCP command.

To test this, you can use the following code:

net_connect.send_command('scp', expect_string=r'assword:')
net_connect.send_command('password', expect_string=r'#')
print(net_connect.send_command('show version'))

This code sends an SCP command, waits for the password prompt, sends the password, and then prints the output of the `show version` command.


In conclusion, Netmiko not sending the password for the SCP command on Huawei devices can be a frustrating problem, but it’s one that’s easily solvable with a custom `pysftp` connection class. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to fix the issue and get Netmiko working with your Huawei device.

Remember, Netmiko is a powerful tool that can simplify your network automation tasks, but it’s not perfect. With a little creativity and troubleshooting, you can overcome even the toughest issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of the `custom_connect` function?

A: The `custom_connect` function is used to return a `ConnectHandler` instance with our custom `sftp_func` set to `CustomSFTP`. This allows us to use our custom `CustomSFTP` class to handle SCP connections.

Q: Why do I need to override the `_start_transport` method in `CustomSFTP`?

A: We need to override the `_start_transport` method to send the password correctly. The `pysftp` library has a quirk that causes the password to not be sent, and overriding this method allows us to fix this issue.

Q: Can I use this solution with other network devices?

A: Yes, this solution should work with other network devices that support SCP, including Cisco and Juniper devices. However, you may need to modify the `device_type` parameter in the `custom_connect` function to match your device type.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Netmiko not sending the password for the SCP command on Huawei devices is a solvable problem. By using a custom `pysftp` connection class and overriding the `_start_transport` method, you can fix this issue and get Netmiko working with your Huawei device.

Remember to test your solution thoroughly and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Netmiko not sending password for SCP command on Huawei device”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your Netmiko woes and troubleshoot like a pro!

Why is Netmiko not sending the password for SCP command on my Huawei device?

This is likely due to the default behavior of Netmiko, which doesn’t send a password for SCP commands by default. You need to explicitly specify the password in the Netmiko connect function or use the `scp_if_password` parameter to enable password authentication for SCP.

How can I enable password authentication for SCP in Netmiko?

You can enable password authentication for SCP by setting the `scp_if_password` parameter to `True` in the Netmiko connect function. For example: `net_connect.connect scp_if_password=True`. This will allow Netmiko to send the password for SCP commands.

What if I’m using a private key for authentication? Do I still need to specify a password?

If you’re using a private key for authentication, you don’t need to specify a password. Netmiko will use the private key for authentication instead. Make sure to specify the private key file in the `ssh_config_file` parameter or use the `key_file` parameter to specify the private key file.

Can I use Netmiko’s `send_command` method to send an SCP command with a password?

No, Netmiko’s `send_command` method is not designed to handle SCP commands with passwords. Instead, use the `scp` method provided by Netmiko, which allows you to specify the password explicitly.

Are there any security implications of sending passwords in plain text with Netmiko?

Yes, sending passwords in plain text can be a security risk. It’s recommended to use secure authentication methods like SSH keys or encrypted passwords to minimize the risk of password exposure. Netmiko provides features like encryption and secure password storage to help mitigate these risks.

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