Klaviyo/GTM Tracking Variables: The Ultimate Guide to Seamless Integration
Image by Agilan - hkhazo.biz.id

Klaviyo/GTM Tracking Variables: The Ultimate Guide to Seamless Integration

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Are you tired of manually tracking customer interactions and struggling to make sense of your data? Do you want to take your ecommerce business to the next level with accurate and actionable insights? Look no further than Klaviyo and Google Tag Manager (GTM) tracking variables! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up tracking variables in Klaviyo and GTM, so you can start making data-driven decisions and optimizing your marketing strategy.

Klaviyo Tracking Variables: What Are They and Why Do You Need Them?

Klaviyo tracking variables are custom properties that allow you to collect and store additional data about your customers and their interactions with your brand. This data can be used to create highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, improve customer segmentation, and optimize your overall customer experience. With Klaviyo tracking variables, you can track anything from product views and purchases to email opens and clicks.

Types of Klaviyo Tracking Variables

Klaviyo offers three types of tracking variables:

  • Person-based variables: These variables are used to track information about individual customers, such as their name, email address, and location.
  • Event-based variables: These variables are used to track specific events, such as purchases, product views, and email opens.
  • Property-based variables: These variables are used to track information about specific products, such as product categories, prices, and SKUs.

Setting Up Klaviyo Tracking Variables

Setting up Klaviyo tracking variables is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few easy steps:

  1. Log in to your Klaviyo account: Go to your Klaviyo dashboard and navigate to the “Settings” tab.
  2. Create a new tracking variable: Click on the “Tracking Variables” tab and select “Create a Tracking Variable.”
  3. Choose your variable type: Select the type of tracking variable you want to create (person-based, event-based, or property-based).
  4. Define your variable: Enter a name and description for your tracking variable, and choose the data type (e.g., string, number, date).
  5. Set up your tracking code: Klaviyo will provide you with a tracking code that you’ll need to add to your website or application.

GTM Tracking Variables: What Are They and Why Do You Need Them?

GTM tracking variables, also known as “variables” or “macros,” are used to track and measure the performance of your website or application. They allow you to collect data about user interactions, such as clicks, scrolls, and form submissions, and send it to Google Analytics or other analytics tools.

Types of GTM Tracking Variables

GTM offers several types of tracking variables, including:

  • Page Variables: These variables track information about the current page, such as the URL, title, and referrer.
  • Event Variables: These variables track specific events, such as clicks, form submissions, and scrolls.
  • Data Layer Variables: These variables track information about the data layer, such as product prices and SKUs.

Setting Up GTM Tracking Variables

Setting up GTM tracking variables is a bit more technical than Klaviyo, but it’s still a manageable process:

  1. Create a new variable: Go to your GTM container and select “Variables” from the left-hand menu.
  2. Choose your variable type: Select the type of tracking variable you want to create (page, event, or data layer).
  3. Define your variable: Enter a name and description for your tracking variable, and choose the data type (e.g., string, number, boolean).
  4. Set up your trigger: Create a trigger that will fire when the tracking variable is updated (e.g., when a user clicks a button).
  5. Configure your tag: Create a tag that will send the tracking variable data to Google Analytics or another analytics tool.

Integrating Klaviyo and GTM Tracking Variables

Now that you’ve set up tracking variables in Klaviyo and GTM, it’s time to integrate them. This will allow you to pass data between the two platforms and create a seamless customer experience.

To integrate Klaviyo and GTM tracking variables, you’ll need to:

  1. Install the Klaviyo GTM plugin: Go to the GTM marketplace and install the Klaviyo plugin.
  2. Configure the plugin: Enter your Klaviyo API key and configure the plugin to send tracking variable data to Klaviyo.
  3. Set up your triggers and tags: Create triggers and tags in GTM that will fire when the tracking variable data is updated.

Best Practices for Using Klaviyo and GTM Tracking Variables

To get the most out of Klaviyo and GTM tracking variables, follow these best practices:

  • Keep your tracking variables organized: Use clear and descriptive names for your tracking variables, and organize them by category or type.
  • Use consistent naming conventions: Use consistent naming conventions for your tracking variables across both Klaviyo and GTM.
  • Test your tracking variables: Test your tracking variables regularly to ensure they’re working correctly and providing accurate data.
  • Use data validation: Use data validation to ensure that your tracking variable data is accurate and consistent.

Common Issues with Klaviyo and GTM Tracking Variables

While setting up Klaviyo and GTM tracking variables is generally a straightforward process, you may encounter some common issues:

  • Tracking variable data not updating: Check that your tracking variable data is being sent correctly and that your triggers and tags are firing correctly.
  • Inconsistent data: Check that your tracking variable data is consistent across both Klaviyo and GTM, and that you’re using consistent naming conventions.
  • Slow page loading: Check that your tracking variables are not causing slow page loading, and optimize your tracking code if necessary.


Klaviyo and GTM tracking variables are powerful tools that can help you create a seamless customer experience and drive business growth. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can set up tracking variables in Klaviyo and GTM, integrate them, and start making data-driven decisions. Remember to keep your tracking variables organized, test them regularly, and use consistent naming conventions to get the most out of these powerful tools.

  // Example Klaviyo tracking code
  window._klaviyoq = window._klaviyoq || [];
  _klaviyoq.push(['identify', 'YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS', {
    '$email': '[email protected]',
    '$first_name': 'John',
    '$last_name': 'Doe'

  // Example GTM tracking code
    'event': 'trackEvent',
    'category': 'Product',
    'action': 'Viewed',
    'label': 'Product ID'
Tracking Variable Description
Person-based variable Tracks information about individual customers
Event-based variable Tracks specific events, such as purchases and email opens
Property-based variable Tracks information about specific products

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Klaviyo/GTM Tracking variables” in HTML format with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Klaviyo and Google Tag Manager tracking variables – the dynamic duo of e-commerce analytics!

What is the purpose of tracking variables in Klaviyo and Google Tag Manager?

Tracking variables in Klaviyo and Google Tag Manager allow you to collect and organize data about your customers’ interactions with your website, email campaigns, and ads. This data can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns, optimize user experiences, and track the performance of your online strategies.

How do I set up tracking variables in Klaviyo?

To set up tracking variables in Klaviyo, navigate to the “Settings” tab, click on “Tracking & Analytics,” and then select “Variables.” From there, you can create new variables, edit existing ones, and configure how they’re tracked and reported.

What types of tracking variables can I set up in Google Tag Manager?

In Google Tag Manager, you can set up a variety of tracking variables, including page metadata, user interactions, e-commerce transactions, and custom events. You can also use built-in variables, like page URL, referrer, and browser type, to get started with tracking and analysis.

Can I use tracking variables to personalize customer experiences in Klaviyo?

Yes! With tracking variables in Klaviyo, you can collect data about your customers’ behavior, preferences, and interests. This data can be used to create targeted email campaigns, personalized product recommendations, and customized offers that resonate with your audience.

How do I troubleshoot issues with tracking variables in Google Tag Manager?

If you’re experiencing issues with tracking variables in Google Tag Manager, try using the “Preview” mode to test your tags and triggers. You can also check the Google Tag Manager debugger, review your tag configurations, and look for errors in the console to identify and resolve any issues.

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