Unraveling the Mystery: Not able to add value from feeder in Kafka Header in Gatling Kafka Plugin
Image by Agilan - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Not able to add value from feeder in Kafka Header in Gatling Kafka Plugin

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Are you finding yourself stuck in the Kafka-Gatling conundrum? Do you keep hitting a roadblock when trying to add values from a feeder into Kafka headers using the Gatling Kafka plugin? Fear not, dear reader, for you’ve landed on the right page! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Kafka and Gatling, and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to overcome this hurdle.

Understanding the Gatling Kafka Plugin

The Gatling Kafka plugin is a powerful tool that enables you to integrate Kafka with Gatling, a popular open-source performance testing framework. This plugin allows you to simulate Kafka producers and consumers, testing the performance and resilience of your Kafka-based applications.

Kafka Headers: The Missing Piece

Kafka headers are essential for conveying metadata about the message, such as information about the producer, consumer, or message itself. However, adding values from a feeder into Kafka headers can be a bit tricky. This is where we’ll focus our attention.

The Issue: Not able to add value from feeder in Kafka Header

So, what’s the problem? You’ve created a feeder in Gatling, populated it with some data, and now you want to add that data as headers in your Kafka message. Sounds simple, right? But, when you try to do so, you’re met with an error or, worse, nothing happens. The feeder value just isn’t getting added to the Kafka header.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Let’s break down the issue and provide a solution step-by-step.

Step 1: Create a Feeder in Gatling

First things first, create a feeder in Gatling that contains the data you want to add as headers in your Kafka message. You can do this using the `feeder` function:

val feeder = csv("feeder-data.csv").random

This will create a feeder that reads data from a CSV file named `feeder-data.csv` and returns a random record from the file.

Step 2: Create a Kafka Protocol in Gatling

val kafka Protocol = kafka

This will create a Kafka protocol that connects to a topic named `my-topic` on a broker located at `localhost:9092`, using a client ID of `gatling-client`.

Step 3: Add Feeder Value to Kafka Header

val scn = scenario("Kafka Scenario")
  .exec(kafka("my-topic").send[String]("Hello, Kafka!")
    .header("my-header", "${feeder_column}"))

In this example, we’re using the `header` function to add a header named `my-header` with a value taken from the `feeder_column` column of the feeder. The `${feeder_column}` syntax is used to inject the feeder value into the header.

The Gotcha!

The Solution: Use `EL` instead of String Interpolation

val scn = scenario("Kafka Scenario")
  .exec(kafka("my-topic").send[String]("Hello, Kafka!")
    .header("my-header", EL("#{feeder_column}")))

Putting it all Together

val feeder = csv("feeder-data.csv").random

val kafkaProtocol = kafka

val scn = scenario("Kafka Scenario")
  .exec(kafka("my-topic").send[String]("Hello, Kafka!")
    .header("my-header", EL("#{feeder_column}")))


Troubleshooting Tips

  • Verify that your feeder is correctly populated with data.

  • Check that the `feeder_column` column exists in your feeder data.

  • Ensure that you’re using the correct syntax for injecting the feeder value into the header (i.e., `EL(“#{feeder_column}”)`).

  • Review your Kafka configuration to ensure that headers are being properly sent and received.


Feeder Kafka Header
Feeder Value Kafka Header Value
  1. Gatling HTTP Protocol

  2. Gatling Kafka Protocol

  3. Kafka Topic Administration

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing questions about adding value from feeder in Kafka Header in Gatling Kafka Plugin!

Why can’t I add a value from a feeder to a Kafka header in Gatling Kafka Plugin?

This is because Gatling’s Kafka plugin does not support feeder values in headers out of the box. You’ll need to write a custom function to achieve this.

How do I write a custom function to add a feeder value to a Kafka header?

You can create a Scala function that takes the feeder value as an argument and returns a Kafka header. Then, use this function in your Gatling scenario to set the header.

Is there a specific syntax to use when setting a Kafka header with a feeder value?

Yes, you’ll need to use the `${…}` syntax to reference the feeder value in your Kafka header. For example: `.header(“myHeader”, “${myFeederValue}”)`.

Will this approach work for all types of feeder values, including strings and integers?

Yes, as long as you’re using the correct syntax, this approach should work for all types of feeder values, including strings, integers, and more.

Are there any performance implications when using a custom function to set Kafka headers with feeder values?

The performance impact should be minimal, as the custom function will only be executed for each message sent to Kafka. However, it’s always a good idea to test your scenario thoroughly to ensure optimal performance.

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